সোমবার, ২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

This Week On The Space Show | International Space Fellowship

The Space Show, hosted by David Livingston under www.TheSpaceShow.com, will have the following guests this week:

1. Monday, October 29, 2012, 2-3:30 PM PDT (21-22:30 GMT)
and PERRY EDMUNDSON regarding his commercial space cruise ship concept.

Professor Madhu Thangavelu is with the Department Of Astronautical Engineering within the Viterbi School of Engineering at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and a graduate thesis adviser and lecturer for a graduate seminar in Extreme Environment Habitat Design as part of the USC School of Architecture.

শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

95% The Sessions

All Critics (74) | Top Critics (27) | Fresh (70) | Rotten (4)

The joy of The Sessions goes beyond sexual healing. It makes physical intimacy far more a matter of the heart, and you won't be alone wiping an occasional tear.

O'Brien was the subject of an Oscar-winning short "Breathing Lessons," and it seems likely that "The Sessions" will receive a few nominations of its own. It deserves them.

This film rebukes and corrects countless brainless and cheap sex scenes in other movies. It's a reminder that we must be kind to one another.

The movie is so clammily sensitive and tame that it stifles any strong response.

A sentimental, feel-good romance about pity sex.

The Sessions is bracing. It's also one of the few movies to recognize that people with severe physical disabilities have sexual lives, too.

A powerful expression of our common needs, fears, and consolations.

For better and for worse, The Sessions has 'crowd-pleaser' written all over it.

Neither an issue-pushing disability drama or a crude, American Polio-style sex comedy, The Sessions is sweet and winning - 'feel good' minus the fingers down the throat.

Another dynamite vehicle for John Hawkes, in which Lewin's affecting script overcomes his pedestrian direction.

Skilled direction, a talented cast and a simple but elegant story will garner a lot of sympathy from its targeted, more mature audience.

It offers a relatable depiction of the powers of a positive mental attitude and perseverance in spite of horrendously bad luck. And some Oscar-caliber acting, to boot.

An incredibly low-key and feel-good adult movie about sex that's much funnier than most people are probably expecting, highlighted by a pair of Oscar-caliber performances by its two leads.

A frank exploration of sex and disability, The Sessions compensates for a minor structural misstep with an acute ear for tone and stellar performances throughout.

The bottom line here is that yes, a movie about a physically disabled man makes for one of the sexiest date nights of the year. Unless you're allergic to over-20s.

With Ben Lewin's film The Sessions, Hawkes is given the biggest and juiciest leading role of his career, and he pulls it off with remarkable grace and humor.

Less dreary than uplifting, The Surrogate succeeds as a light romance with heavy material.

The movie methodically punts each time it comes across anything interesting.

The Sessions is a magnificent film. This tale of a profoundly disabled man's sexual awaking is not only a genuine crowd pleaser , but it also gives a cinematic voice to the marginalized.

More Critic Reviews

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_sessions/

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French ministers take anti-sexism lessons

>>> back at 7:41. where does dominique strauss-kahn go from here now that the sexual assault case against him has been dismissed? we'll talk to his defense team in a moment, but first nbc's ron allen has the latest. ron, good morning.

>> good morning, carl. you might be surprised that he's still here in new york at this luxury townhouse where he's been staying. he says he has a few things to do before he heads home to france where he says he hopes to resume one of a normal life . he won't face criminal charges but his reputation has taken a hit and he's lost quite a bit along the way. some 2 1/2 months after his shocking arrest the man known worldwide as dsk left court a free man, but no longer head of the imf, nor likely french presidential candidate. in his first public statement after criminal charges were dropped, strauss-kahn spoke only in french and says he was glad what he called the nightmare was over. i'm relieved for my wife, for my children, and for everyone who supported me during the time, he said. prosecutors have taken the unusual step of asking the judge to throw out the case, saying they believe strauss-kahn did have a sexual encounter with diallo, a house keeper in this luxury new york hotel but prosecutors say diallo made so many false and conflicting statements during her investigation they couldn't determine whether the sex was forced or consensual, adding there was no physical evidence of a violent attack. diallo's attorney still insists she is the victim of a crime .

>> women who are raped or sexual assaulted should not have to go through some type of path to show they lived a perfect life .

>> reporter: in a last-ditch appeal diallo's attorney asked for a special prosecutor to take over. as request denied by two judges. diallo stills a a civil lawsuit pend for an unspecified amount of money and other damages. and so ends the criminal case , the house arrest in this luxury townhouse, to the accuser publicly coming forward to demand justice after her credibility was publicly challenged, and finally, to strauss-kahn walking away. but still facing dozens of protesters shouting at him. and now the fallout and the unanswered questions. the prosecution is being criticized for bringing such serious charges and for dropping them. the accuser could face perjury charges and her name and reputation have been dragged through the mud. dsk has yet to fully explain why he apparently got involved in a sexual encounter with a hotel maid in the first place.

>> benjamin brafman and don are here, his attorneys. good morning.

>> good morning.

>> we heard him call it a nightmare. what has he told you about what he makes of the situation?

>> i think at various times we've had some conversations, some were difficult than others. i think now he is relieved. i think unless you have yourself been falsely accused of a very serious crime that you did not commit, i think it's impossible to understand the full measure of the relief that dominique strauss-kahn feels today. greatly relieved.

>> the charges were dropped though, but clearly something happened in room 2806. forensic evidence of a sexual encounter . was he honest in the beginning that, yes, something happened but not the way she put it?

>> as ben said yesterday, there's a great deal of difference between a sexual encounter and an attack. and the issue in this case was whether or not he attacked her. the story was improbable on its face that this man would emerge from his bathroom in the nude and jump without further ceremony on the chamber maid. so when we told the prosecutors that there was more to this story than perhaps met their eye and urged them to go slow, unfortunately they moved to indict within three days. as they said yesterday, the post-indictment investigation, the post-indictment investigation, which they did, is what resulted in freeing strauss-kahn .

>> makes you wonder, ben, what would have happened if it hadn't been for that flight, maybe they wouldn't have had to make such a quick decision on an indictment.

>> i think it's tough today to go back and figure what could have happened, what would have happened happened. we're dealing with the reality of what did happen. what did happen is he paid a heavy price for a momentary lapse of judgment that was not criminal. at the end of the day , now that the charges are dismissed, i think it's a statement to the world that in these cases, including the media, i might add, that rushing to judgment is not a good idea and let the system play itself out. the presumption of innocence is an important concept in our country.

>> what happens to him next? public life in france , going back to global economic work in some way?

>> i think he has a lot of options. i think he is probably best suited to talk about public life in france . but i think his options are wonderfully wide. he's a brilliant man and a brilliant economic mind when we need that most.

>> yeah, i think until yesterday we have not been able to tell him that he was free to make decisions of any sort. today he is. and i think he and his family will take some time and just relax. they will make whatever arrangements they want to make about where they want to live and when they want to move. and then i suspect he will gather friends about him and make some decisions.

>> there's always going to be, i think, a school of thought, here was a man who had a sexual encounter with a hotel maid, lunch with his daughter, and went to get on an airplane. have you made a moral judgment about the man?

>> i think we shouldn't make moral judgments about people. in this country, if you do something inappropriate, you don't get prosecuted. the moral judgment i've made about this man is on balance he's quite a remarkable individual. i'm very impressed by him on balance and the momentary lapse of judgment does not make the man. i think he is a brilliant mind and i think he has a lot to offer the world, and i hope the offers are wide and interesting.

>> thank you for coming in.

>> thank you.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/49568773/ns/world_news-europe/

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German regulator recalls some Novartis flu vaccines


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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Spooky Science: Make a Ghostly Illusion

Bring Science Home

A visual Halloween trick from Scientific American

SEEING THINGS: You won't believe your eyes in this spooktacular illusion. Image: George Retseck

Key Concepts
Optical illusion

Halloween is a time for sharing ghost stories and watching spooky movies. But have you ever thought about the science behind some of these uncanny experiences? Haunted houses, for example, take advantage of the way your brain uses sensory information. Often they include dim lighting and confusing sound effects to keep you disoriented and jittery, primed for fright. In this activity, you'll create an optical illusion and learn that your eyes can play some eerie tricks on you?even in broad daylight. You'll also discover this peculiar apparition has a simple scientific explanation.

Your eye has many different parts, including a light-sensitive retina at the back of the eyeball. The retina collects light signals via special cells called photoreceptors (photo comes from the Greek word for light). Your retina's photoreceptors fall into two groups: rods and cones. Rods perceive changes from light to dark and cones receive color signals. Much like the receptors in your skin, taste buds in your mouth or hair cells in your ear, your eyes' receptors collect visual information about the outside world and send it to the brain to be decoded and interpreted.

???? Several sheets of white paper
???? Brightly colored markers

???? Draw a ghost (or other shape of your choice) on one of the blank sheets of paper on the center of the page using a colored marker. Make sure your outline is bold or fill the image in with color.
???? When your drawing is finished put your picture side by side with a blank sheet.
???? Stare at the center of your drawing for 20 seconds without blinking?it's okay to count aloud to 20 or ask a friend to time you.
???? After 20 seconds immediately look at the blank sheet of paper. What do you see?
???? Take another sheet and draw another shape, this time using a few different colored markers.
???? Again, set your drawing beside a blank sheet of paper, stare at the image for 20 seconds then look at the blank sheet. Now what do you see? Do you notice any unusual colors?
???? Return to your first ghost drawing. Set it beside a blank sheet and this time stare at the center of the image with just your right eye for 20 seconds.
???? Keeping your left eye closed, use your right eye look at the blank sheet. What do you see? Now quickly close it and open your left eye to look at the sheet. What do you see this time?
???? Switch back and forth between eyes. Do both eyes see the same image? Then repeat the previous step, this time starting with your left eye.
???? Extra: Repeat this experiment using both eyes and time how long it takes for the ghostly image to fade away. Try it again, but stare for more or less time. What do you notice about the image if you stare for more time? What happens if you stare for less time?

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=f18eebd1a53321b382cb067067c439d9

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News Summary: Eurozone debt hits new peak


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Smithsonian launches marine effort with $10M gift

(AP) ? The Smithsonian is launching a new initiative to study coastal waters and create the first global network monitoring climate change and human impacts on ocean life with a $10 million gift.

Los Angeles hedge fund manager Michael Tennenbaum is announcing the donation Thursday. He says long-term data is needed to raise the level of dialogue about climate change and biodiversity.

The project will begin with five marine observatories, studying plants and animals in the Chesapeake Bay, Fort Pierce, Fla., and sites in Belize and Panama. The Smithsonian plans to add 10 more stations within a decade, using federal money, partners and fundraising.

Smithsonian Secretary Wayne Clough says coastal ecosystems are highly affected by humans. He says the Smithsonian will foster long-term study, while universities and others depend on short-term grants.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/b2f0ca3a594644ee9e50a8ec4ce2d6de/Article_2012-10-25-US-Smithsonian-Coastal-Research/id-4ad98e482c15441d9217f0d13bd817e9

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Secrets to Staying Married for 50 Years (or More) | 93.1 WZAK

By Jenny tiegs, Galtime.com
secrets to helping your marriage stand the test of timesecrets to helping your marriage stand the test of time

Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman have separated after 30 years of marriage.

Why does it feel so sad?

Maybe because, in a reality-TV world, we are so used to seeing relationships go the way of Kim Kardashian.

Here?s how to put aside the sad news of spotlighted break-ups and focus on staying with your own leading man for 50 years (or more).

  • Stay Alive: This may sound like a smart-aleck answer, but it is true. Take a good look at yourself and realize that you?re not that strapping 20-something anymore and you have to take care of your health in order to make it to 50 years of marriage. Joe Hewitt, a retired pastor, mediator and married man of 50 years was blunt when asked how to make it to celebrate that many wedding anniversaries.

?To make it to the 50th wedding anniversary, first of all, the couple has to stay alive.? Make the choice and decision to be healthy for you, your partner and your family.

  • Take Time to Talk: Life is busy for everyone at every stage of life, but it is vital to your marriage to take a time out each day and reconnect with your spouse. Christina Steinorth is a licensed psychotherapist and author in Santa Barbara, California and believes 30 minutes is all it takes to stay connected.

?With all the interruptions couples have between jobs, kids and smart phones, it?s very easy to lose touch with each other over the years, only to find out five or ten years down the line that you have very little in common anymore.?

If you can?t find a solid half-hour, Steinorth suggests breaking into 15-minute sessions. In-depth talks that will involve some Kleenex aren?t necessary ? just some simple conversation. ?Talk about your day, make plans for the weekend or even talk about current events,? she advises ? all to build and maintain a strong bond.

  • Check-Ups: Everything we own needs maintenance: our cars, our teeth, even our technology need to be charged and updated. So why wouldn?t we do the same for a marriage? Dr. Carletta Perry, a psychology professor, therapist and relationship and life coach, tells couples not to be afraid of attending counseling, a workshop or a fun couples retreat.

?Check ups can provide you with a third-party perspective on issues you ?talk? about well into the wee hours of the morning,? she says. These exercises will help you learn what?s normal for relationships, teach you new things about how to be a stronger couple or just learn how to have more fun together. Most of all, participating in a check-up can also reassure you that you?re not alone, Dr. Perry says. ?Everyone has problems?even that perfect couple you compare yourself to.?

  • Know When to Speak and Know When to be Silent: Certified dating and relationship coach Yvonne Chase says the key to her parents? marriage was being adept at responding with words and with silence. Chase?s mother told her, ?You don?t have to respond to everything you see in your marriage. Stop picking the little things. So what if he didn?t cover the toothpaste? It?s not worth it. Know when to speak and when to be silent.?

Chase also provides a bit of self-reflection with a hint of Gandhi: Be the change we wish to see.

?Change you. Don?t waste your time trying to change your spouse. It?s an exercise in futility. Work on the person in the mirror and that will bring the changes you want to see in your marriage.?

Fight! We?ve heard it before, so why hasn?t it stuck yet? Hapy couples need air ? and resolve ? their grievances.

?Couples who don?t fight at all are actually more likely to divorce that couples who do fight, but do it productively,? Soos points out.

Happy couples have figured out how to hash out their problems in a manner that is respectful and gets problems solved. To do this, you need to know the ?rules of fight club.? They include starting conversations with a soft-start-don?t go into a discussion with swords already drawn. It?s also wise to know when to take a break if you get emotionally overloaded. A half-hour can make a huge difference when things get heated, so step away and return when you?ve taken a breath. And lastly, don?t be too extreme on either end when an argument starts. Soos warns that couples enter gridlock when one or both people either refuse to talk or want to fight about everything at that moment.

Finally, one of the best pieces of advice came from Jack Quinn, married 52 years, who simply says, ?Don?t sweat the small stuff and don?t do anything that you would be ashamed to tell your children or your wife.?

Original Story

Source: http://wzakcleveland.com/3508873/secrets-to-staying-married-for-50-years-or-more/

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বুধবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

LG Electronics boosts smartphone sales as rivals fade

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/lg-electronics-swings-q3-profit-surprise-handset-result-045056971--finance.html

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Tips For Credit score Fix With Positive Results | Dreams Come True

When your credit score is bad, it can make you feel frustrated, upset and like a failure. Not a whole lot chatting is carried out about what to do to correct your credit but there are in fact actions you can take to create your credit score climb. Here are several methods to achieve that.

Consider selecting an authority in credit rating restoration to analyze your credit track record. A number of the choices profiles on the statement could be improper or duplicates of each other that we could skip. A professional will be able to spot conformity problems and also other issues that when confronted can provide your FICO rating a significant enhance.
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Reestablish your credit history by obtaining a attached visa or mastercard. It is a credit card which you account yourself by ?depositing? a established money you could attract in opposition to. It is different from a credit credit card in that you have to repay a certain quantity regular monthly. Using this method, you can reestablish your credit rating.

Look at your alternatives with installment accounts to work with your revolving profiles. They will add more good scores in your credit rating profile and drastically improve your FICO scores. Make sure that this will easily fit in your financial budget since it demands monthly payments being created monthly. It will probably be worth every penny in very little time.

Buy a credit rating monitoring assistance. These types of services will require a cost by you to statement for your needs monthly around the exercise on your own credit history, approaches you could boost your credit score, and also will warn you of any prospective mistakes or omissions. Should you be attempting to rebuild your credit rating, these facilities can be very valuable.

Check your visa or mastercard statements on the internet each week to ensure that they can be right. I keep an eye on my investing within a spreadsheet then make sure it from my bank?s online data on Fridays. This makes sure that I capture any troubles without delay prior to they are able to blossom into one thing even worse.

Don?t be enticed by the credit history repair firms scams, they can make lofty guarantees they can?t meet. It really is a fact through the National Business Commission payment they have by no means seen a legitimate credit history restoration firm. You will end up more well off protecting your hard earned money and restoring your credit score yourself with some effort.

When you are attempting to repair your credit ranking, don?t hesitate to start new accounts that you simply be eligible for. Opening up a fresh profile, for instance a attached bank card, then keeping that bank account in good standing upright displays lenders that you are trying to advance. When the only accounts on your credit score are in very poor standing, obviously your rating will likely be reduced.

If you are planning to confirm your credit report for problems, bear in mind that we now have a few national credit history-revealing companies that count: EQUIFAX, TransUnion and Experian. Distinct lenders use distinct organizations when considering financial loan programs, plus some might use several. The data claimed to and recorded by these organizations may vary greatly, so you need to check them all.

Established dollars apart! A fantastic tip for trying to restoration your credit history is to get prepared for any monetary emergency situations which may occur. Attempt to established-up a account specifically to handle any urgent matters that will happen. Getting funds set-aside provides you with some security, so you won?t must count on your a credit card!

Make use of bank card to purchase each buy you will be making to help you maintenance your credit history. At the conclusion of the morning, sum up what you?ve put in throughout the invoices you?re offered and spend your costs. After you?re much more comfortable, start maintaining a spreadsheet of your own paying and spend the money for costs once per week instead of every day.

As stated at first from the post, you might be not alone in terms of bad credit. But that does not necessarily mean it needs to continue to be this way. The purpose of the article was to offer you ideas on what to do to increase your credit score as well as keep it excellent.

Source: http://her-era.com/finance/tips-for-credit-score-fix-with-positive-results/

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Rara.com Turns Up The Volume On Its Music Streaming: Launches ...

Rara.com, one of the newer of the music streaming services on the market launching in December 2011, is today amping up its service to better compete against the likes of Spotify, Pandora, Rdio, Deezer and many others. It is launching new iOS and Windows 8 apps; it is adding 7 more countries to those covered by the service, taking the total to 27; and it has inked a global deal with heavyweight device company?Lenovo?to preload the app on its Windows 8 tablets, convertible PCs and Android devices.

Rara.com was spun out as a standalone service from Omnifone, which was founded in 2003 and was one of the earliest movers in the world of cloud-based streaming music services. Omnifone scored early wins with carrier deals to offer the service preloaded on mobile devices, but it was perhaps too early to seize the moment, with more people focused on downloading music at the time, if they were doing anything with digital music at all. Rara.com, launched only in December 2011, was effectively Omnifone?s take-two on the subject.

The company has not released any figures on how many users it has for its service. As a point of comparison, Spotify, as of July, had some 15 million active users, 4 million of which are paying for the service.

The new mobile apps will also be joined with the release of an update to the company?s existing Android app, as well as an existing web-based service. These will include a new widget so that users can control playback on Rara.com on their homescreens.

On iOS, Rara.com is releasing separate, dedicated apps for the iPhone/iPod Touch and the iPad; both are AirPlay compatible and as with the rest of the Rara.com service, tracks can be stored on the device in the event that you are offline.

The Windows 8 app makes Rara.com the latest to offer an app on Windows 8 in the lead-up to its official launch later this week, and as with other apps, it will integrate with Windows 8?s own search service so that you can search for Rara tracks even when not in the app itself. For now, it doesn?t look like Rara.com is releasing a Windows Phone app to complement the Windows 8 app for tablets and PCs.

Meanwhile, the new countries on Rara.com?s map ??Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, South Africa and Portugal ? point to how it is taking a strategy to aim at both a mix of developed and emerging markets to pick up new users. That puts it in contrast with companies like Spotify, which have gone after more mature markets, banking on the idea that mobile and fixed broadband would be better off there, and people would have more disposable income to buy services like music streaming.

Nick Massey, CEO of Rara.com calls the news today a ?significant step-forward in the execution of its roll-out strategy,? which also points to the company perhaps also considering further developments ahead. The total list of countries now covered by the service is?UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Portugal, US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and South Africa.

As with Rara.com?s existing service, the new apps are based around the idea of charging people for content, rather than offering an unpaid service that could potentially convert users into paying subscribers. In Rara.com?s case the price on mobile is 1.99 pounds, euros or dollars per month for three months to access 18 million tracks, advertising-free. That price then goes up to ?/?/$9.99 per month. The company?s web-only access service is less expensive. The introductory three months are ?/?/$0.99 per month with subsequent months priced at 4.99.

On top of all of this, Rara.com is also continuing to expand its content deals with labels. The latest is an agreement with Merlin, which represents lots of independent labels.

The Lenovo deal follows another a partnership that Rara.com?s parent Omnifone has with Sony, where it powers the company?s Music Unlimited?streaming service. Rara.com meanwhile is embedded in HP devices, too. In the case of Lenovo, it will be preloaded on to the OEM?s Windows 8 PCs, convertible PCs and tablets (these include the IdeaCentre desktops and ThinkPad Classic and Edge laptops, IdeaTab Lynx tablets and IdeaPad laptops, and the new IdeaPad Yoga ?convertible? PC); as well as on its Android tablets (e.g.,?IdeaTab S2110, A2105, A2107 and A2109 tablets).

This looks to be Lenovo?s first deal of this kind with a music streaming company, and it?s a big coup for Rara.com: Lenovo is widely thought to be just about to overtake (or may have already overtaken, depending on who is counting) HP as the world?s biggest computer maker.

?Our collaboration with rara.com will give our customers a great new way to explore and enjoy music on our innovative devices,? Deepa Kumar, Director, World Wide Marketing, Software Ecosystem & Cloud Solutions, at Lenovo, said in a statement.

rara.com is a new music service that makes it easier to enjoy the music you love. rara.com gives you unlimited on-demand access to over 10 million songs on any internet connected computer and Android mobile device; you can search and play all your favourite music and the latest releases instantly. With hundreds of great playlists and music channels, hand curated by their team of resident DJ?s, rara.com has the music to suit your every mood.

? Learn more

Lenovo Group Limited, an investment holding company, engages manufacture and distribution of IT products and services. It offers laptops, desktops, workstations, servers, batteries and power, docks and port replicators, carrying cases, software, monitors, touch-screen devices, and printers. The company also provides accessories and upgrades, such as audio and video, cables and adapters, carrying cases, keyboards and mice, memory, projectors, security, storage, and wireless and networking products. In addition, it involves in the property holding and property management, procurement agency,...

? Learn more

Source: http://techcrunch.com/2012/10/23/rara-com-turns-up-the-volume-on-its-music-streaming-service-launches-windows-8-ios-apps-inks-lenovo-deal-expands-countries-covered-to-27/

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.co.uk vs .com - UK Business Forums

I know its a good idea to get both domains if possible but I've found a domain that I'd like but only the .co.uk is available. The .com version just goes to a page saying,


An error occurred while processing your request. Reference #97.c4abef50.1350935104.9b28e0

I could probably contact the owner of that site, but if worse comes to worse is it a bad situation to only own the .co.uk? Personally I presume when someone gives me an URL that its .com? Despite .co.uk probably being better for UK businesses, but still surely its a good idea to have the .com and redirect to .co.uk

What are your views on this?


Source: http://www.ukbusinessforums.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=275212

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Ahead of the Bell: Facebook to report 3Q results

NEW YORK (AP) ? In Facebook's second quarter as a publicly traded company, the world's largest social media site is juggling the challenge of growing its advertising revenue while maintaining the loyalty of more than 1 billion users.

Facebook is expected to report earnings of 11 cents per share on revenue of $1.23 billion after the market closes Tuesday, according to FactSet. The Menlo Park, Calif., company has not provided investors with any financial guidance.

Susquehanna analyst Herman Leung says that the company's progress in boosting mobile advertising will be the focus Tuesday. Facebook has only recently started showing ads, which it calls "sponsored stories," on mobile devices. The challenge with small screens is showing the ads without annoying users.

Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter said several new or modified products will likely boost revenue growth. Besides the mobile ads, these include the Facebook Exchange, which lets advertisers target users in real-time, based on outside websites they visit.

Challenges for Facebook include the declining fortunes of online game maker Zynga Inc., which accounts for as much as 12 percent of Facebook's total revenue. And last week, a disappointing quarter from Google Inc. dragged Facebook's stock lower with it. Google's ad revenue grew at the slowest pace in three years and some have begun to expect the same from Facebook.

Shares of Facebook Inc. closed at $19.32 on Monday, down 49 percent from its initial public offering price of $38.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/495d344a0d10421e9baa8ee77029cfbd/Article_2012-10-23-US-Facebook-Ahead-of-the-Bell/id-e8058a2977364ba2a04163d421b908c3

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সোমবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Tufin T-80

The Tufin Security Suite from Tufin Technologies helps network administrators analyze firewall rule sets. Firewall operations management sounds really complicated, but it essentially boils down to giving administrators information about what changes have been made to the firewall policies, and who made them. Tufin has integrated the software into the T-80, a small appliance that makes it even easier for small businesses to get identify conflicts and to ensure the firewall rules are in sync with corporate policies.

Why Might You Need Tufin?
Networks aren't static. New rules, such as opening up a new port to allow an application to have access outside the network, are often created on the fly and old ones aren't always turned off when they are no longer needed, such as when an application is no longer used and that port doesn't need to be open anymore. Sometimes a new rule conflicts with the old one, or even duplicates the functionality of an existing one. People leave and no one remembers why a certain port was opened or closed. After a while, it is difficult to look at the hodgepodge of rules and know what the firewall is doing.

Tufin gives administrators the ability to create and implement new firewall policies and manage existing rules with a clear audit trail. Say someone decides that a port needs to be opened in order to use an application. The administrator can look at the request against existing corporate and compliance policies, figure out whether opening this port will cause problems for existing rules, and document that the request was made. Later on, when someone else asks why that particular port was open, TSS has all the answers ready at hand.

Who Tufin Is For?
The T-80 is intended for the small- to medium-size business, and it works with a wide range of commercial firewalls, including Cisco PIX, ASA, and FWSM firewalls, as well Fortinet FortiGate, Juniper Netscreen, JunOS, and Palo Alto Networks firewalls. For the purpose of this review, Tufin sent along a NetScreen 5GT from Juniper Networks.

Organizations with multiple firewalls would need something like the T-80 to help keep track of what rules have been applied where. Organizations with strict regulatory and compliance requirements (such as PCI-DSS) can also use the T-80 to ensure the firewall rules are in line with what is needed, and be able to provide auditors with proof. And finally, businesses that have implemented specific firewall rules beyond the basics can rely on the appliance to make sure the rules are doing the job. Even the simplest network with only one firewall can get complicated. A management tool gives administrators some visibility into what is being allowed in and out.

The T-80 can support up to 10 firewalls. While the price of the appliance itself is not that bad, at $1,995, the price tag gets pretty steep once you factor in the price of other software. Customers must buy the 1-year license for SecureTrack for $5,994. For Check Point, Cisco, Juniper Networks, Fortinet, and Palo Alto Networks,SecureTrack has an additional fee of $1,998 per firewall. A 1-year license?SecureTrack Advanced Monitoring, Policy Analysis and Automatic Policy Generator is $445 for each Cisco router or switch, Cisco Nexus switch, and Juniper Networks M/MX Routers being managed. A 1-year license for SecureTrack Basic Monitoring per each Cisco router or switch, or Juniper Networks M/MX routers is $140.

Tufin offers a 30-day evaluation of the appliance before making the investment, and there are also one-time audit licenses to be used during an audit without having to buy the appliance outright. Tufin sells through the channel, so interested businesses will need to work with a certified partner.

Getting ready for this review took a while, because I had difficulty finding a firewall that would work with the T-80. Despite having several business-grade routers and firewalls in-house, it turned out many of them weren't feature-rich enough. It's not exactly a con, but the organization has to make sure to have a next-generation firewall, or one of the IOS appliances from Cisco, deployed before the T-80 or other similar products can be of any use. Organizations who are interested in getting some visibility over their firewall and routers but not having a supported device, would have to look elsewhere for answers, or just tackle the list manually.

Opening the Box
Tufin T-80 comes in a small, square bright blue box. The appliance measures 1.9 inches by 6.5 inches by 6.5 inches and tips the scales at 2.9 pounds. There is a bright blue power button on the front panel which flickers to indicate activity. On the back panel, the appliance has a serial port, a VGA connector, a power outlet, a Gigabit Ethernet port and two USB 2.0 ports.

The appliance ships with a DB9 console cable to use to access the management interface, and a USB flash drive containing documentation and relevant firmware and files needed to recover the appliance in case of failure.

Hooking up the equipment was a snap. I connected the T-80 to the same network that I had deployed NetScreen 5GT firewall from Juniper Networks. I accessed the management interface using a computer on the same subnet as the firewall and the T-80. The network was set up so that the T-80 management machine and the firewall were on the subnet. I also could have used the crossover cable to directly connect the T-80 to the management server to set up the appliance.?Next: T-80 Setup, Management Interface

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/XVD-bcuxkIc/0,2817,2411196,00.asp

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Dead man found at Calif. shooting wearing armor

INGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP) ? Police were nearly certain Sunday that a man found dead at the property where five members of a Southern California family were shot ? two fatally ? was the killer because he was wearing body armor, clutching a handgun and had a bullet hole in his head.

The loaded handgun was a .38 caliber revolver registered to 55-year-old Desmond John Moses. Inglewood police say he set his bungalow ablaze before firing at his neighbors because he blamed them for an eviction notice he had received from their landlord.

The body, burned beyond recognition, was found inside the bungalow late Saturday and an autopsy will determine whether it is Moses.

The dead man had "what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the head," wore body armor and carried additional ammunition in his pockets, a statement said.

While police couldn't conclude that the body is that of Moses until the autopsy is concluded, "the evidence suggests this is the case," the statement added.

The shooting rampage before dawn Saturday killed 33-year-old Filimon Lamas and his 4-year-old son. The father was shielding three of his children when he was shot, Police Chief Mark Fronterotta said. Lamas' 28-year-old wife, Gloria Jiminez, was shot in both legs but managed to carry the wounded 4-year-old out of the house.

Paramedics found her collapsed on the street. The child, who was shot in the head, died at a hospital.

Investigators believe Moses entered the family's home around 4 a.m. wearing a dark cap and a white painter's mask.

Authorities said he fired 10 times. In addition to the deaths of the father and child and injury to the mother, a 7-year-old girl was wounded in the chest and a 6-year-old boy suffered a bullet wound in the pelvis. An 8-year-old boy escaped injury.

The mother and daughter remained hospitalized in stable condition, Lt. James Madia said. The 6-year-old boy was released.

Relatives said Lamas and Jiminez were high school sweethearts who recently got approval for a home loan, and were looking to buy a bigger house for their tight-knit family.

Authorities launched a manhunt and evacuated surrounding homes after the shooting rampage, but it wasn't until hours later that they found the charred body because it was hidden under layers of debris.

"He was kind of a hoarder or pack rat," Madia said.

Moses lived in the bungalow for 17 years, while the family lived in the front house for 8 years, he said.

The landlord told the Los Angeles Times that Moses had been fighting an eviction notice and recently lost his case in court.

The newspaper reported Sunday that Moses has held a security guard registration with the California Department of Consumer Affairs since 1984. However, police said they did not know whether he was working as a security guard.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/dead-man-found-calif-shooting-wearing-armor-213804940.html

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Prehistoric Flamingo Nest, Eggs Discovered In Spain

By: Megan Gannon, News Editor
Published: 10/19/2012 08:31 AM EDT on LiveScience

A fossil bird's nest has been discovered in Spain, cradling at least five eggs that scientists believe belonged to an ancient flamingo some 18 million years ago.

The nest was found in a limestone block in the Ebro Basin in northeastern Spain. The researchers think it was abandoned and sunk to the bottom of a shallow, salty lake (which once also housed snakes, turtles and crocodiles) before being covered in mud and fossilizing during the early Miocene.

Scans of the eggshell fragments revealed microscopic features that closely match that of the modern flamingo's eggs. However, the type of nest the eggs sit in is much different from the type the birds build today.

Modern flamingos make muddy volcano-shaped nests with a single, large egg in each, but this ancient nest was made from twigs and leaves and holds several eggs. The researchers said the nest actually looks more like those of modern grebes, diving birds that build floating platform nests, which typically hold three to eight eggs and are anchored to the bottom of a lake with aquatic plants.

Though they have very different reproductive and nesting behaviors, flamingos and grebes are closely related. This new fossil then might indicate that the grebe-style nest is ancestral to this group of birds and that, over time, modern flamingos diverged, developing their volcano-shaped nests, the researchers said.

The team, led by paleontologist Gerald Grellet-Tinner, reported their findings Oct. 17 in the journal PLoS ONE. (Grellet-Tinner is affiliated with the National Council of Research and Technology in Argentina, The Field Museum, Chicago, and The Journey Museum in South Dakota.)

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/20/prehistoric-flamingo-nest-eggs-spain_n_1986140.html

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In Internet Marketing, being as productive as possible is very important to making sure that you are able to get the most from your online business. If you are in the opening stages of your business it is important to put as much effort as you can in doing as much as you can as quickly as you can so that you can focus as much on the growth as possible. But the question that most of the online marketers face is, how do you really extract more out of your time when you?ve got so much to do? It?s not that hard ? the answer involves basically just simplifying the work you do and this article will teach you what to do.

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Working consistently is great and it can give great results, but there?s a difference between doing it consistently and constantly. When you don?t do anything but work you?ll be busy and move your business forward but you?ll also burn out. If you want to boost your productivity and get the most out of your ability then take time to recharge. Go out to dinner, workout a few times a week, spend quality time with your friends, etc. All of this may make you feel like you?re wasting time, but you?re actually being smart, so that you can get more out of your time. All of the things we?ve talked about here are simple to apply and will change the way you see your online business. After all, growing your web business depends on how well you can manage your time and get the most of your tasks. The only thing that you really need to remember is that it is really important to make sure that you are open to experimenting with new methods for improving your productivity on a regular basis so that you can make sure that you are always increasing the return you will get on the investment of your time. home remedies for sore throat

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What Japan's Lost Decade Meant For Youth Employment - Business ...

In the mid and late 90s, Japan experienced a deep recession that was?mainly rooted in a?collapse of land and property prices and the aftermath of sovereign debt crises in other East Asian countries.

Riva Fromovich?points us to a 2000 study by The University of Tokyo's Yuji Genda of what happened to Japanese youth during the recession. It is ugly.

First, the hiring rate of new graduates relative to the initial number of employees, using?human resource stock variables?as explanatory variables in a regression?analysis:

Click to enlarge.


The hiring rate of new graduates relative to the initial number of employees?is signi?cantly lower at establishments with a higher share of employees aged?forty-?ve or older. In particular, high school graduates had greater di?culty??nding full-time jobs in large establishments with a higher share of older employees. There were also fewer college graduates recruited by these establishments. Those with nonscienti?c majors (bunkei in Japanese) were least likely?to be hired. The regression model can be applied to data from 1991 to 1996,?and the negative and signi?cant coe?cient on the middle-aged and older employee ratio is observed in every year.?

?Next, job growth rates (declines) per capita by age ? they basically collapsed for young folks:

Finally, job growth rates by age and sector. The drop off for younger workers is especially noticeable at large firms:

The reason for these results are somewhat unique to Japan: the country boasts the toughest separation laws among OECD nations; in most cases employers have?a judiciary duty either to verify just cause for dismissals or to attempt alternative measures to avoid them.

This makes it harder to get rid of older employees and easier to not hire young people.

But it was mostly the effect of basic plunging labor demand caused by total GDP declining 25 percent.

Genda's conclusion about what this would mean for Japan is pretty scary:

An increase in youth joblessness may cause social problems in Japan.?The youth crime rate is closely linked to labor market conditions (Ohtake?and Okamura 2000). The failure to transfer skills from older generations?to younger generations might seriously a?ect future productivity in the?Japanese economy.

Youth unemployment?has reached 16.8% in the US.

The Japan experience has an ominous lesson for the US. Politicians love to talk about ensuring the economy is strong for future generations, but when they do, they're usually talking about the national debt, and how we need to lower it.

But the killer for youth is lack of growth. Slowing the economy through austerity is the exact opposite thing that should be done for future generations.

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/what-japans-lost-decade-meant-for-youth-employment-2012-10

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